My favorite friends trip

The last summer I went to the South of Chile and Argentina with some friends. It was a wonderful trip with many adventures.

 At the beginning we took a bus in Santiago to Puerto Varas, we traveled all night (about 12 hours) and finally when arrived we have breakfast. 

Then took another bus to "Cochamó" (all of this with a very big backpack in our backs). Here we stayed about 2 nights in a place to camp (a new experience for me hahah) and visited a big recognized swing.

The next places that we stayed are "Rio Pueblo and Llanada Grande", we visited a big waterfall, a beautiful lagoon called "Blue lagoon" and ate a typicals lamb patties (hahaha).

After a few days we had to do an 8 hours trekking to arrived to Argentina. When finally arrived we went to Bariloche, we stayed 4 nights and did many activities, ate many "milanesas", pizzas and drink a lot of types of beers.

After all of this we came back to Puerto Montt to a friend house and stayed one night before return to Santiago.

That´s all :)
